They banned the most important single discovery in the history of Medicine!

Censored Science?

Heard of Wilhelm Reich? A great psychoanalyst who could heal all types of neurosis and psychological and behavioral problems. It was in the 1940s that he came up with a form of energy and its accumulator which was remarked “the most important single discovery in the history of medicine”. The Orgone Energy!! And the accumulator was more like a big capacitor and showed good results.

The energy is there in the atmosphere, space and in living organisms as well. What Dr Reich observed was that the  orgone energy charge in the human biosystem was expressed in emotions and sexuality. It could be measured electrically.

This man - this great man, did wonders! He made artificial rain a success! The accumulator cured illnesses! He did even more fascinating, read on.

The Food and Drug Administration, U.S., burned off all the books and journals prepared by Dr Reich.All the books, notes, journals and whatever existing were destroyed if it contained the words ‘orgone’. And, through decades of work, the name Wilhelm Reich was erased from history.When they claim orgone energy to be simply fictitious and non-existent, how can it be in anyways a threat? That too, a tremendously huge threat that the government has taken in all efforts to strike off Dr Reich itself.

The FDA announced that orgone does not exist; without any proof. A straight wash-it-off. Dr Reich was arrested and killed for continuing to research on orgones which they announced to be non-existent!

Dr Wilhelm Reich was, in fact, rather than an ordinary scientist or psychologist, someone who had earned an international reputation as a scientist of integrity.

“This would be a bombshell to physics” - was Einstein’s exclamation after Dr Reich had demonstrated the orgone energy to him.

(His books are now available in sale)

Now, let’s continue about the energy.

He was making ground-breaking discoveries in biology, and then, had an accident occur. He accidentally discovered some radiation particles; named them orgone.

The Accident

One of his assistants was to take a container from the steriliser and heat the substance within it to incandescence. Accidentally, he mistook the container. The substance: common ocean sand. It was cultured and inoculated on an egg and agar medium, and yielded a yellow growth. The yellow growth was observed under high magnification. It was seen as vesicles that glimmered blue color - intense blue color, which in course of time grew and moved about.

When he placed live cancer cells next to them, the cells died.

And now comes something… decide-yourself! Dr Reich is affected with conjunctivitis. His eyes became sensitive to light.

And his eyes were most affected when he was observing the orgone through his microscope. And later, he saw himself having sun-tan under his clothes. Whose cause was also found to be the same. It’s everywhere!!

When observed the vesicles in the dark, and was surprised after two hours of waiting to see that his hair and dress emitted a blue glimmer. And, even the room was filled with gray-blue vapor. Later, he concluded with great emotional reluctance that the orgone was the same energy the Sun gave off.

He found this energy to be glowing and blue in color. And he predicted the earth has a blue envelope around it, by the orgones, long before we got colorful images of it. The orgone energy could be the energy responsible for the biological pulsation of life on Earth. And, perhaps, the universe itself!

Notice the pictures of NASA of the astronaut out there on the moon. You are definite to see a blue glow around him.

It’s sad how the political insecurity suppresses progressive science.

Now, here is something dead damn interesting!

Dr Reich made several discoveries in many fields on course of his journey learning orgones. Let me note one of it: he observed that orgones went stagnant in polluted air. He called these stagnant orgones dead orgones or DOR. He even developed mechanisms to make the DOR alive. He, by a special setup developed by himself, succeeded in bringing artificial rain! He succeeded in growing grass to one feet tall height in a desert!! The setup for rain was called Cloud buster. It demanded
special skills for the operation of the cloud buster, and all those skills went into mud with Dr Reich.

Modern experiments prove Dr Reich to be right with his Orgonomy. And, even in the modern ages was one scientist, Dr James DeMeo, blacklisted and punished for his positive interests in Dr Reich’s theory.

Could this orgone energy be the dark matter? Note down your comments.


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