Physics for a Very Basic Beginner



Suppose… are travelling in a bus, facing forward the direction of movement. It’s a bit crowded; however there’s some loose space for one beautiful girl (say boy if you are a girl) at a pillar a few feet forth of you. Now when you are having this thought of that attractive girl, the bus stops and she boards! She boards! Coincidence or what (the word ‘Coincidence’ comes important in physics some time when we are dealing with multiverse, btw. But, hey, she’s damn beautiful and you can’t be distracted to physics!), she comes to that spot before the pillar. She leans on the pillar, which makes her face backwards. Awwwwww, those pinky lips! You are having an uncontrollable crush. You step forward, nearer and nearer. Swing your head forth, and both your lips meet.
Now, if the driver kicks for a sudden brake, you kiss her, and when she reacts bad, blame PHYSICS! Shout out ‘NEWTON!’ Blame INERTIA!!!

Okay, so that was just some fun!

PS: not entertained to be tried ;)

Physics is SEXY! Fall in love with Physics!
Make her your girlfriend.


The Must-knows for a Beginner

What really is she?
Of course, it's a branch of science. It studies natural phenomena.
Any matter (nowadays, antimatter as well) under rest or motion, can be studied under physics.

Professionally speaking, it deals with the behaviour of anything under motion or rest in space and time.

What makes her more interesting than other branches of science?
Because, the universe (probably multiverse) is infinite and mysterious, and she deals with it!
Physics has tons of mysteries yet to be answered! And that's where I wanna see myself as well as yourself tomorrow - with those mysteries, solving them, which eventually likely creates more mysteries!!

Four basic concepts for you
  1. Laws of motion
  2. Electromagnetics
  3. Relativity and gravitation
  4. Thermodynamics

Laws of Motion
  1. Inertia
  2. F = ma
  3. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

At least these points regarding light-
  • Light is an electromagnetic wave.
  • It travels in a straight line.
  • Its speed is constant (some recent experiments show that its speed varies with structure, though)
  • Its particles are called photons.

Briefing it for a beginner: it is due to relativity that a person in idle travelling in a bus doesn't seem to have motion wrt his surroundings (the bus), but he is in motion as for you who see him from the ground.
Everything is relative!
For you, the earth seems still, but wrt the Sun, it moves.

In 1900s Einstein propounds his Special Relativity theory, and the whole concept of relativity was expanded. It was he, who stated the absolute speed limit for light (yes, you know that! Learned just a few minutes ago).

❗ Now as you know this much, know something crazy: run at jet speed with light, and the speed of light will be same. As if to make it the same, time slows down!
‘You serious??!!’ Obviously! Well, not obvious uh… Check out inertia’s update on Time Dilation.

The stuff related to heat and energy-exchange

We have four basic laws here: from the zeroth to the third!! Physics really is weird.

And… the Quantum Theory…?? You a beginner, right?
Well, have a simple try at inertia’s update on Quantum Physics. Before we end, one question: can you buy one and half packet of Dairy Milk Silk from a store? Or should you go by one packet, or else two, three etc? Well… that’s a bit of quantum physics for us.

~Echo Delta


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