Einstein's Biggest Blunder! Einstein, Relativity and The Cosmological Constant
Even the great physicist Albert Einstein made an utter foolishness? (He did!) But, the biggest quality of a scientist is to admit his mistakes, right?
Pic credits: Ugur Peker, Unsplash
When you hear the term, what's your primary guess on that? It's something related to cosmology? Okay, it's something regarding cosmology. It's a constant? Well, again yes, it is a constant; an Albert Einstein Constant. It comes in Einstein law? Uh, what do you mean? Einstein Law? What is that?
So, let's get to it.
What is the theory of relativity? Everything is relative to one another. There is this Special Theory of Relativity which is regarding the elementary particles and their interactions and the General Theory of Relativity which is regarding the laws of gravitation and the other forces of the universe. The postulates of the Special Theory are:
1.The laws of physics are the same for all observers in uniform motion relative to one another (principle of relativity).The General Theory of Relativity is regarding the wrapping of space-time.
2.The speed of light in a vacuum is the same for all observers, regardless of their relative motion or of the motion of the light source.
Talking of the Cosmological Constant or Einstein's Biggest Blunder, it's the General Theory of Relativity and its equations that matter.
The General Relativity equations are so complicated and non-linear and a headache to anyone operating it. Even Einstein couldn't handle with it! So, he made some assumptions about the universe and simplified the equation and solved it. The solutions were quite puzzling. They indicated that the universe is either expanding or contracting. Einstein thought, 'well, how can that be possible? The universe is static, after all.' So, in order to remove this puzzling fact, he introduced a term to the equation - The Cosmological Constant. 'Okay, now the universe is static.' Wait! He introduced a new term for no scientific reason? Just to make the existing theories right? Well, yes, he did.
Later, Edwin Hubble proved that the universe is expanding! (The Hubble's Law) Okay, so now, the universe is no more static. That's what Einstein had discovered at first with his General Theory of relativity. Now Einstein states, 'the biggest blunder of my life - the cosmological constant.'
And that's the story of The Cosmological Constant. Hope y'all enjoyed.
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