They LIED to us: our Earth is HOLLOW!

Yeah! Hear it once more: our earth is HOLLOW!!
Or at least, that's what some hollow-earthers claim it to be. 
For what those who oppose it are holding is only ‘OHHH! What nonsense!’, ‘How can that ever be so?!!’ and some facts opposing some clues held up by some youtubers; sadly, nothing more scientific - except for the case they argue with seismic wave readings, which confusingly is done by the hollow earthers as well.


The hollow earth theory: Facts

The Theory: Hollow Earth

Some Random Thoughts and Thoughts

So.. let’s see about the Hollow Earth Theory.

It started a loooong way back in history. And, maybe hence, many sites just push this aside remarking it just ‘a historical theory’.

The hollow earth theory: Facts

Heard about Wilhelm Reich?

In brevity, Dr Reich was punished to death officially for continuing with his research! 😳

Read further details here.

Now, hear the name Rear Admiral Byrd.

He’d had an expedition to explore the north pole, and he had reported witnessing a land there at pole, contrasting the ‘fact’ of having an ice cap there. See the reports below.


●DECEMBER, 1929: "The memorable December l2th discovery of heretofore unknown land beyond the South Pole by Capt. Sir George Hubert Wilkins, demands that science change the concept it has had for the past four hundred years concerning the southern contour of the earth" - Dumbrava, Russian Explorer


●FEBRUARY, 1947: "I'd like to see that land beyond the (North) Pole. That area beyond the Pole is the center of the Great Unknown." - Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd (United States Navy), before his seven- hour flight of 1,700 miles beyond the North Pole.

Admiral Byrd, possibly, would haven't travelled all 1700 miles to the other side of Earth, but rather would have got into the hollow interior of the earth through the polar opening, traversing an iceless region of mountains, hills, lakes, animals et al.

"that enchanted continent in the sky, land of everlasting mystery; "
- Rear Admiral Byrd, before his death.

‘Continent in the sky’? By the polar phenomenon of sky mirror, the continent appeared to be in the sky; that's why it's mentioned so. By the phenomenon, lands below appear to be on the sky.

Aborting myself from going on to depths with the secret offices that suppressed the discoveries et al.

Bunger’s Oasis

In Feb 1947, Lt. Commander David Bunger discovered the Bunger’s Oasis. They discovered an ice-free land in the continent of Antarctica, where there were lakes of many different colors, ranging from red, green to deep blue. Lt. Bunger landed his seaplane on one of the lakes, each of which were more than 3 miles long, and found the water to be warmer than the ocean. On the land of perpetual ice, the existence of such an oasis indicates warmer climates there, which in turn indicates the existence of an interior concavity with warmer climates.

In 1960, newspaper The Globe and Mail, Toronto, Canada, published a photo of a green valley taken by an aviator in the Arctic region. The valley contained rolling green hills. This would be the same land discovered by Byrd.

Regarding the existing theory

The theory claiming that earth is solid do not have much of proofs. It’s all suppositions and guessings.
The idea that the Earth’s centre is hot and molten probably arose from the fact as the deeper we dig in, it gets warmer. And it is simply assumed that it continues so till the centre. There is no evidence to
support this ‘fact’ of the molten centre. And, over this theory, the magnetic behaviour of the earth is attributed to the ions of the centre.
As per Raymond Benard’s book The Hollow Earth, ‘it is more probable that the increase of temperature continues only until we reach the level where volcanic lava and earthquakes originate, probably due to the existence of much radioactive substances there’. Why should it get even warmer further towards the centre?

“The total surface of the Earth is 197 million square miles and its estimated weight six sextillion tons. If the earth was a solid sphere, its weight would be much greater. This is one among other scientific evidences that the the Earth is hollow”, Raymond Benard, The Hollow Earth.

Aurora Borealis

Aurora borealis is a phenomenon characterized by the appearance of colorful (reddish or greenish) light in the sky, especially in the poles. The prevailing explanation for this is the interaction of charged particles from the Sun with the atmospheric atoms.

But, the hollow-earthers claim that this is from the inner Earth. It is further discussed below. The satellite images of Aurora borealis show that the light originate from a single point, to add to this.

This is a snapshot from NASA's footage taken by Polar Satellite, November 2004. It shows Aurora Borealis; notice they evolve from a single point, seen as a black dot. This position corresponds to the North pole.

The Flying Saucers

The reports of flying saucers are many; true as well. Where do these come from? The hollow-earthers has got an answer to this: from the inner Earth. The inner earth civilization is so advanced that they have flying saucers. In Aime Michel’s ‘straight line’ line, he has proved that most of the flight patterns of the flying saucers are in a north-south direction. This holds for the claim that the saucers are from the polar openings.

We shall see about the hollow earth theory now.

The Theory: Hollow Earth


At first, it was in a molten state. Now, think of the forces acting as the molten matter rotates on an axis. One big force here is, centrifugal force. By centrifugal force, obviously, the heavier materials would be thrown to the periphery, leaving the interior hollow after forming a peripheral crust. The poles, were the centrifugal force is very low, remains open as well. Centrifugal force would be more the equator, and this accounts for the bulge to the equatorial region. By this force, the polar openings is estimated to be 1400 miles wide in diameter.


There’s a ‘Sun’ in the centre of the hollow Earth. It is much smaller and emits light; the life inside is supported.


The Earth curves in at the poles at 70 to 75 degrees north and south latitude. As there is an opening- a concavity, there’s a circular brim as well. At this circular brim, the magnetic compass needle points
 straight down. And at about 90 degrees, the needle points vertically upwards. This is because, at 90 degrees, the compass is inside the concavity. The odd behaviour of the compass has been reported by many Arctic explorers. The magnetic north pole is in fact the circular brim. And, similarly for the south pole as well.

Some Random Thoughts and Thoughts

Researching on the hollow earth theory has indeed made Echo Delta’s mind mad and numb at times with lots of question marks crowning over his head. Here are some things he has stumbled upon on his way through.

What would happen once you are at the polar opening? You simply fall into the inner Earth?

The centre of gravity of the Earth is not in it’s geometric centre. In stead, it is in the earth’s crust. Thus, the land and ocean and whatever stays on to the crust from the inside as it is on the outside. So, as you walk past the polar opening, your path gradually curves to the inner lands. i.e., if inner earth beings at one point will be like upside down as compared to us. The opening is so large that one passing through doesn’t realise he’s entered the interior of the Earth.

If ocean tides are caused by the moon’s and Sun’s gravitational attractions, then would there be tides in the inner earth?
Perhaps, yes. The Sun’s and moon’s gravity could still influence the ocean water even if it is in the interior, of course, though in the opposite way. The rise over here might correspond to the lowering in the interior.

Would they be having internet access to our google database and all?

I felt myself wierd, of course, of course, a thousand times certain, for coming across with this thought. Perhaps, not. Well, we do not know if some secret agencies of ‘our mankind’ have already established their friendship with the inner-earth dudes and… better not specified.

And, dear readers, I have not spoken a word about Edmund Halley, Cluff and Symmes, who should really haven't been missed while talking about Hollow Earth Theory.

So, in brief!

Edmund Halley

The renowned astronomer, geophysicist, mathematician, meteorologist, and physicist. In 1692, Edmund Halley had proposed that the Earth was hollow. It was based on the value of Lunar density given by Sir Isaac Newton. But, it is claimed that Newton's calculations on relative lunar density had errors.
Edmund Halley studied the magnetic compass variations and by 1683 had reached on a conclusion that the Earth possessed four magnetic poles. As per Halley, there's another sphere inside our crust, and possibly even another inside that. He was explaining the drift of magnetic poles, by this theory of concentric spheres.

Concluding things here!

So, whats on your mind? Comment down, we shall discuss!

-Echo Delta John


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