Sub-Atomic (Elementary) Particles for a Beginner
Greetings! We’ll be talking about the most tiny bit of anything, here. Yeah, so what’s everything made up of? Atoms?? And what about atoms? They’re made of protons, neutrons, electrons and aaahh! Now, what about the protons and neutrons? Further they are made up of sub-atomic particles; quarks, in this case. (A/N: following the remarks that this blog’s English is ‘non-decipherable’ by many, Echo Delta shall be trying to dilute it… ‘if not for my reader, then for whom do I write.’) FERMIONS AND BOSONS Basically, what do we have around us? Matter and force. We are materials (~from matter) and so is our Earth. The Earth holds us on it by gravitation. The gravitation here is the force, obviously. Thus everything around can be seen as matter and force. Force is by means of which matters interact. What are the tiniest bits of matter and force? Yes, it’s time for the heroic entry of our protagonists! (^drum-rolls please^) the FERMIONS AND BOSONS!!! Fermions are the particles of matter, and...